  • What do all these Statuses mean? User, Uploader, VUL, Super User, Moderator

Community Members:

User (unverified user): Shows that you are a registered member of  TFZ community that joined after 1st February 2014. You can download torrents and Mirrors and take part in the Community/Forum areas.

Checked User: Shows that you are a registered member of TFZ community that joined and have been granted Uploader Status automaticly after these requirements

 these members have upload access and can upload torrents.
Super User: Promotion to SU status is awarded to people that voluntarily help other site members or carry out tasks that help the website in different ways. There is no set path to gain Super User status as there are many ways that members can provide help. 

TFZ Elite: The Elite status is only given to people who have served as Moderators or Staff here on TFZ

TFZ People:

Forum Moderator: A Moderator who is mainly focused on the Community and Forum areas; offering guidance, moving threads to the correct sections, keeping order and dealing with problems that can arise.

File Helper: Can be considered as a Junior Moderator who helps in keeping TFZ free from fake uploads, spam comments and other nasty things. They focus is mostly on torrents/Files related issues. 

File Manager: A Moderator working only with torrents. Has the full range of Moderator control tools and helps in keeping the Files areas neat and well maintained.

Super Moderator: A whole website Moderator; can work within the form areas and torrents, can grant Uploader Status and Verify Uploaders, remove fake accounts, and keep our community clean. When you use the Report Torrent or Report User these cases are handled by SM.
Developers: The big dogs keeping their all-seeing eyes on the website. Might help you with some global issues, Also Staff members that can help you with various issues such as problems with Moderator abuse of power, fixing serious technical issues, appeals for torrents or accounts that have been deleted and change your nickname/username.

In this Tutorial you will learn how to Upload here @ The File Zone.

BIG STEP 1: First of all, you need to have a registered account here, and then get your upload application approved by a moderator before you can upload a torrent or Mirror File here.

more about user groups qnd why you need to wait for approval here:
User Groups and what do they mean exactly > Find it here

If you don't know how to make a .torrent file.
Creating A Torrent Using UTorrent
Create a torrent using Azureus/Vuze

1) First go to the Free Downloads page and click on Add Entry on the left
Now you will see this:

2) Select Category to your upload.

3) Select File Type

4) Add your Description to Entry full text

5) IMPORTANT SECTION: --> UPLOADING mirror / torrent

- 1) Torrent Magnet URI : paste the torrent uri file in this section.


- 2) Mirrors URL: --> paste mirror urls in this section.



- 3) Screenshot: --> add a HD screenshot or Picture from google of the file that you are adding.

- 4) Demo Link: --> if you have an official demo page of the file or a youtube video paste it here.


6) Press ADD and your file will be added!
- Notice: if you are a non-verified user your file needs to wait for approval

You get access to a VIP forum, and blog features.

No The File Zone is Free to use!

To make TFZ the best site possible with an open and active community and to keep it clean from fakes and malware.
User friendly web design and options are our goal!

Basically it's an user that got our trust by uploading good files with proper descriptions, that was not involved in dumping files or any other serious rule violations. After this status is granted. this user gets the option to checkmark a verified entry option. this means that the file has been tested and works.

You can report any threads, comments or content that may be viewed as obscene, racist, hateful, threatening, or otherwise breaks the site-rules.

In every situation we ask that you just use the !Report button or contact an on-line Moderator.

- Do not write your own rebuttal.
- Do not send the offending member a PM

We ask that you only use the report function so that you are protected from any form of retaliation or harassment. These situations arise from time to time and they could always have been avoided if people had followed the guidelines.

Please report Torrent / Files Comments left as Feedback containing something other than clear meaningful information about the torrent or just simple spam. We accept URLs to sub-titles but no other links. Use good judgement.

Note that the moderation team might not agree that a reported comment, thread etc. really violates the rules, in that case the comment or thread may remain.

We understand the motivation for some people to submit reports is based on their own moral or religious standards. TFZ remains neutral in this wider debate and allows freedom of speech and expression as long as it is not designed or appears to deliberately provoke or en-flame a situation.

The File Zone and the data that we all share spans national, religious and cultural boundaries, this is not a forum to argue your deeply held convictions. If a person seeks to constantly and obsessively report content that we find acceptable we respect your right to use another torrent web-site.

You should report users because it helps keeping the site clean and free of fakers, spammers and other bad users.

You can report a user for a number of reasons:
- Uploading fake or unreleased movies, tv shows, music etc;
- Uploading files that require you to download extra codecs in order to work;
- Uploading harmful software or virus infected;
- Users that continually use obscene, racist or threatening language;
- Users that continually or seriously break the rules.

You can contact one of the mods or staff members and ask for manual activation.

After you become a registered user, you get access to most of the features of the website, become able to fully participate in the life of our community and get rid of all the ads, as a small bonus to all this

If you go to the bottom of any page you will see the tab for rules. Or by clicking on
this page.

By clicking MESSAGES in the small profile , you can access all the messages you have sent and received.

( Messages remain there until you delete them. )

The default display will show unread messages with the most recent at the top.

Each message displayed in that screen acts like a folder entry point to see the dialog history with that other person. You can remove messages that are no longer required or whole dialogue histories by ticking the boxes and clicking the DELETE button at the bottom of the screen.

If you delete a message by accident there is no process to recover that message.

There are no plans to change the PM system in any way.

It is designed only for short messages between site-members, it is not a full-featured email system and will not become one.

Vuze and uTorrent are the most recommended and easiest to use:

There might be reasons to use an obscure P2P application and with more devices offering access to torrents it will be harder to maintain a definitive list...

However consider that less people will have experience in your choice of application so help and support will require original work and research on your part.

Bit Comet should be avoided due to it's "padding" files, this consumes more of your ISP bandwidth and so takes longer to do everything and people are less likely to seed your torrents as they do not like the numerous spam files.