Community Members:
User (unverified user): Shows that you are a registered member of TFZ community that joined after 1st February 2014. You can download torrents and Mirrors and take part in the Community/Forum areas.
User (unverified user): Shows that you are a registered member of TFZ community that joined after 1st February 2014. You can download torrents and Mirrors and take part in the Community/Forum areas.
Checked User: Shows that you are a registered member of TFZ community that joined and have been granted Uploader Status automaticly after these requirements
these members have upload access and can upload torrents.
Super User: Promotion to SU status is awarded to people that voluntarily help other site members or carry out tasks that help the website in different ways. There is no set path to gain Super User status as there are many ways that members can provide help.
TFZ Elite: The Elite status is only given to people who have served as Moderators or Staff here on TFZ
TFZ Elite: The Elite status is only given to people who have served as Moderators or Staff here on TFZ
TFZ People:
Forum Moderator: A Moderator who is mainly focused on the Community and Forum areas; offering guidance, moving threads to the correct sections, keeping order and dealing with problems that can arise.
File Helper: Can be considered as a Junior Moderator who helps in keeping TFZ free from fake uploads, spam comments and other nasty things. They focus is mostly on torrents/Files related issues.
File Manager: A Moderator working only with torrents. Has the full range of Moderator control tools and helps in keeping the Files areas neat and well maintained.
Super Moderator: A whole website Moderator; can work within the form areas and torrents, can grant Uploader Status and Verify Uploaders, remove fake accounts, and keep our community clean. When you use the Report Torrent or Report User these cases are handled by SM.
Developers: The big dogs keeping their all-seeing eyes on the website. Might help you with some global issues, Also Staff members that can help you with various issues such as problems with Moderator abuse of power, fixing serious technical issues, appeals for torrents or accounts that have been deleted and change your nickname/username.